Can Materials and Patterns Be Mixed in the Same Space?
It’s a question that’s brought up quite often – particularly when a homeowner isn’t working with a kitchen designer to weigh in. Can patterns and/or materials be mixed in the same space?
The short answer – it depends. It’s definitely beneficial in the right situation, but there are also times when it should be avoided. So how do you know when it works and when it doesn’t? We’ll guide you through:
When Does it Work?
If you’re working with the same cabinet color for both the island and perimeter, mixing materials and patterns often gives you more flexibility and the combination will work smoothly. However, if you have different cabinet woods for both areas, one countertop color usually works best.
In both situations, using a different, more decorative edge to highlight the island as more of a focal point and a simpler edge on the perimeter is a great option.
How to Make it Work
Experimenting with the mixture of two colors and patterns for your countertop is an opportunity as well – if you know how to make it work. It’s important to make sure the color is contrasting, or the pattern is a varied size. Reason being is that if both details are too similar, it will leave the impression that you were trying to match the two but missed the mark. The contrast in hue or pattern size, when done correctly, is more interesting and pleasing to the eye.
In reality, while many contemplate the idea of multiple countertop materials, most still opt for the same color regardless of cabinet finish.
Choosing a Backsplash
Once cabinet wood and countertop material have been chosen, choosing the backsplash is next. The goal is always to complement – not compete. So, for example, if you have two different types of wood or countertop surfaces, you may lean towards a more modest splash. However, if the overall design has a more clean and straight forward approach, it doesn’t hurt to have a little more fun with the splash, adding detail and perhaps some bling.
Eastern Surfaces is here to be your guide and help navigate through the entire process. Looking for suggestions to help pull your dream look together? Contact us today.