Design Trend: Matte Quartz Countertops [With Pictures]

Each year, manufacturers and design houses set the new color and style home trends for the year. This includes countertops. Here’s what the rest of 2021 has in store.

For quartz manufacturers, hues with a matte finish are growing in popularity for new color offerings. These are also sometimes referred to as brushed or suede.

In natural stone—like granite or marble—you may be familiar with the term honed.

Matte quartz countertops don’t have the lustrous, shiny look that most countertops have. Instead, these finishes are smooth and do not reflect light.

Not every quartz color comes in a matte finish, but popular quartz manufacturers offer beautiful options, including:

Matte Quartz Countertops in Silestone Posidonia Green
Silestone Posidonia Green

Why Matte Quartz Countertops?

Matte quartz countertops are harmonious with nature and provide homeowners with a fresh, casual look that they might be after. 

In addition to the colors that model marble and soapstone, other options exhibit soft solid colors of blue, green and even red with a soothing earthy vibe. Most quartz manufacturers now offer selections in matte, brushed or suede finishes—but on a limited basis in comparison to the overall choices in their line.

Matte Quartz Countertops in Viatera Carbo Brushed
Viatera Carbo Brushed

Sometimes a shiny, polished finish just doesn’t blend well with the overall environment.

For example, in a log, historic or vacation home, something without a shine is a much better fit.  You may choose to accent matte quartz countertops with a bit of shine on the hardware or backsplash to provide some added dimension and interest.

How to Care for Matte Quartz Countertops

Interestingly, polished surfaces tend to camouflage things like fingerprints and crumbs, especially when there is a pattern involved. 

So for upkeep and cleaning, keep in mind that a little extra attention may be needed for a surface without the shine, especially if it is a solid color.

Besides that, you can clean matte quartz countertops the same way you would clean any other manufactured or natural stone: With mild soap and water, or a non-abrasive, non-ammonia formula.

Matte Quartz Countertops in Silestone Cala Blue
Silestone Cala Blue

Quartz is a hard and durable material and does not require sealing due to its non-porous nature. In fact, quartz is so popular because of its relatively low maintenance and ease of cleaning.


If matte quartz countertops are a look that you enjoy and want to explore the possibilities, contact our team to schedule a time to come into our showroom. We’ll show you your options and help you pull it all together. You’ll be surprised with how easy and enjoyable it can be to create an inviting atmosphere for your kitchen or bath that is all your own.